Friday, July 1, 2011

YouTube - ‪Morning Prayers‬‏

Morning Prayers.

Holy Queen of the Angels… you were given the authority by God to be our most perfect Mediator… you have the authority to unite my day, my will, my thoughts, my emotions, my dreams, my doubts, my fears, my hopes, my loves, my pains, my relationships, my actions, my personality, my situation, my job, my role, my future, my play, my living and my dying, my breath, my heartbeat, the very pulses and activities of my living body, to that of your Son, Who bore and sanctified everything by being born of your most holy Flesh.

Queen of Angels, immortal soul, you walked upon the earth and were raised above the choirs of angels. You have the authority and power from God to offer my day to Him as wondrous works of His and good praise to Him, for all those I know, know of, who know me, who know of me, for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for those with no one to pray for them, for all those in the memory of the Heart of Jesus, in thanksgiving to all the Saints and Angels, in their honor, united to the Body and Blood of Christ in the tabernacles of the world throughout time; to unite all my prayers for the day to all the prayers in time and eternity.

You have the authority to see that my sins are expiated before I die, that my soul is raised to the heights of Heaven, among the Seraphim, at the Foot of the Throne of God's Mercy. You have the power and authority that all those I pray for may likewise reach the very heights of Eternal Paradise - that Eternal Love! You have the authority with God to make use of our lives, our sorrows, our joys - to give them eternal glory, that we can bear eternal fruit, the way you bore and still bear the eternal Glory of God into the hearts of souls! You - you, sweet Mother! - can do this perfectly, make this offering - this intention, this prayer - perfect and fruitful!

Oh, Mother! Mother, Mother! My Mother! My Mother! The graces you have obtained for me, the mercies of God in my life, those will be my song, my story, my very throne - the joy of my heart - for the stretches of eternity. Those moments in time will be raised beyond time because of God's grace, which you yourself poured out, from the heights and depths of your Holy Heart! Oh Mother, graces I do not - nor will ever be able to - deserve, nor the sweet memory of them do I deserve to recall, but that my frozen heart may melt and become sympathetic, compassionate, listening, tender, gentle, patient, forgiving, loving, sincerely kind, towards my fellow sinners, my friends, my enemies, the stranger, all people, all ages, all cultures; bring those memories and their sweetness to my forgetful mind now, fill my trembling soul with their glory that I may be rendered utterly humbled, crushed by the enormity of God's unconditional Love, incinerated by the fire of His Sweet Kindness that shines forth from His Heart like a Light in the darkness of my world; grant me the grace of contemplating those memories which reveal God's mercy through your grace. Countless are those moments in my life! Reveal them, reveal them, for you have the power with God to do so! Reveal them to my heart, that my soul may see! Fill me with the Spirit of God, the way that the host in the Tabernacle is so enlightened, pouring Its Light upon the world, like the shining sun or the stars in the night sky!

(Meditate in thanksgiving on ways your Father in Heaven has worked in your life, or mystical moments He shared Himself with you; when He answered prayers on behalf of His Mother, Son, Saints, Angels, Children.)

What we bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and loosed upon the earth, loosed in Heaven. Oh, my gloriously loving Mother, how your love sets wretched souls free! How wonderful you make the martyrdom of the heart, and how fruitful in bringing souls to God! Mother of God, I cannot express what graces I need for today or for my life. I want to be most prayerful and loving, like an angel, like the King and Queen of Angels. I am just a little child upon the earth with no power or authority besides you and your sweet Son - therefore, you must be this for me, through me, with me, in me, around me.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you!

To be protected from committing a mortal sin today and in reparation for the sins of the world, the Golden Hail Mary, in honor of Mary as Daughter of the Eternal Father: Hail Mary, white Lily of the glorious and always-serene Trinity! Hail brilliant Rose of the garden of Heavenly delights! O you, by whom God wanted to be born and by whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished! Nourish our souls with effusions of divine grace! AMEN.

In honor of Mary as the Spouse of the Holy Ghost: Hail Mary, white Lily of the glorious and always-serene Trinity! Hail brilliant Rose of the garden of Heavenly delights! O you, by whom God wanted to be born and by whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished! Nourish our souls with effusions of divine grace!


In honor of Mary as the Mother of the Son: Hail Mary, white Lily of the glorious and always-serene Trinity! Hail brilliant Rose of the garden of Heavenly delights! O you, by whom God wanted to be born and by whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished! Nourish our souls with effusions of divine grace! AMEN.

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