"Satan has a hold on both the slanderer and on the one who listens to the slanderer, because he has the tongue of one and the ear of the other." -- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
"Men do not fear a powerful, hostile army as much as the powers of Heck fear the name and protection of Mary." — St Bonaventure
"God has fashioned and shaped only one enmity, and that an irreconcilable one, which will endure and even increase, until the end of time: it is that between the Virgin Mary and the Devil, between the children and the servants of the Blessed Virgin and the children and accomplices of Satan; so that the most terrible of the enemies of Satan created by God is Mary, His Blessed Mother." -- St Louis de Montfort
"In anything that is for the service of Our Lord, the Devil tries his arts, working under the guide of holiness." -- St Teresa of Avila
"The principal trap that the Devil sets [...] is idleness. This is a fatal source of all evil. Do not let there be any doubt in your mind that we were born to work, and when we don't, we're out of our element and in great danger of offending God. ... First tell the Devil to rest, and then I'll rest, too." -- St John Bosco
This greatest and most essential work we were born to do is the work of prayer, through which God saves souls:
"Prayer, without a doubt, is the most powerful weapon the Lord gives us to conquer evil... but we must really put ourselves into the prayer. It is not enough just to say the words; it must come from the heart. And also prayer needs to be continuous. We must pray no matter what kind of situation we find ourselves in. The warfare in which we are engaged is ongoing so our prayer must be ongoing as well." -- St Alphonsus Ligouri
Fr Gabriele Amorth recalled one of his colleagues hearing the Devil say during an exorcism: "Every Hail Mary is like a blow on my head. If Christians knew how powerful the Rosary was, it would be my end."
"The way to overcome the Devil when he excited feelings of hatred for those who injure us is to pray immediately for their conversion." — St. Vianney
Save your soul, help save your family, the dying, the poor souls, your benefactors, your enemies, your country, the whole world; even if you pray quite terribly, and feel quite helpless and incapable of producing a good prayer, keep at it: