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Sunday, December 23, 2018
The Near Death Experience of Gloria Polo
(The only alterations are that grammar and spelling errors are corrected from original translated English text.)
The 5th of May, 1995: a Colombian woman was walking near the university of Bogota in the rain, sharing an umbrella with her young cousin, when they were struck by lightning. The young 23 year old boy died instantly, while the woman, terribly burned, lived the most stunning experience of her entire existence: death, God's judgement, and coming back to life.
This is the true story of Gloria Polo [...].
While her body lay carbonized, with all her major vital organs destroyed, Doctor Gloria Polo found herself going through a beautiful tunnel of white light, happy and at peace. She understand that she was dead, and saw and hugged all the people of her life, the ones alive and those who had passed away.
It was a moment of great joy!
But was she saved? Did she reach Paradise, the peaceful resting place promised to people once they die?
This is what followed.
At the end of the tunnel, there was a beautiful lake and a magnificent garden with the most incredible colored flowers.
Everything was LOVE. Her cousin that was, during life, a very devoted Christian went there, but she couldn't. She painfully returned back and found herself in the hospital near her destroyed body and discovered, with fear, she was surrounded by devils and that they were there for her.
She became aware that she owed each one of them something for every sin she had done in her life, and in the struggle to escape from them, she ran like mad through the hospital and she found herself falling down through darkened tunnels where the light became weaker and weaker; the tunnels were filled with men and women, young and old, that were crying and screaming in terrible sorrow. The atmosphere was full of horror and shame, and the stench was intolerable.
Gloria was desperate. She was going farther and farther down without being able to stop herself, until a plain where the ground opened up into a horrible gigantic mouth filled with evil spirits ready to seize her. That was the door to Hell.
Her soul was being swallowed into it and the demons inside started attacking her, like blood suckers, in the effort to switch off the little spiritual light she still had.
She was almost completely in when Saint Michael the Archangel grabbed her by her feet and she screamed, "souls of Purgatory, save me!" She heard the cry of thousands and thousands of people, many of them were young. Gloria discovered, with piety, that those were the souls who in life, in a moment of desperation, had committed suicide, and that now ere imprisoned in that plain without God near the mouth of Hell, tormented by the evil spirits that enjoyed showing them continuously the despair they caused to their families on Earth for what they had done, and this for the number of years they were originally established for them to live if they had not taken their lives.
They could not help her.
Then she saw her parents who had died years ago. Her father was at the last stadium of Purgatory just a step before Hell. God had not sent him to Hell because a few years before dying, he repented and turned back to Him because he had been a good father and also because of the prayers of his kind and religious wife, but he was now serving the Justice of God for his drinking and having cheated on Gloria's mother. He was crying desperately for her, understanding how his misbehavior in life had effected his children.
Parents answer to God for the type of education they give their children, the example they have set for their children and how they have helped their kids to develop the talents the Lord has given them.
Gloria's mother instead was in the Light, at peace, but at the same time in pain for her (Gloria).
They also could not help her.
Then Gloria, in a last painful struggle, screamed "I'm a Catholic!" and something changed. Jesus came.
The devils fell down in adoration asking to leave. They couldn't bear the beautiful, overwhelmingly loving, sweet person of Christ. They received permission to leave. Only one remained: the one to which she owed the most for her sins who was now claiming her soul.
But there was also the magnificent Virgin Mary that came to her rescue, in adoration, praying on her hands and knees before her Lord and Son Jesus, for Gloria, and bringing to Him all the prayers that the people of her country were offering after reading in the local newspapers about her terrible accident.
Jesus said to Gloria, "Well, you are a Catholic, then remember the Law of God. His Commandments."
She could only recall that there were ten. But with the help of Jesus, she examined her entire life under the lens of the Ten Commandments and the result was very poor.
She saw the Book of Life where was paraded before her all her existence, with all her falseness and faults: lies, lack of respect, rebellious attitudes towards her parents, lack of compassion, bad advice, and many other faults that caused so much harm to people.
Jesus reminded her of how many times she prayed to God for money, social position, a profession, wealth -- making all kinds of promises to God, and once she was blessed with those things, she didn't fulfill a single promise and did not give God one single thanks.
Instead, she betrayed Him by cursing His Name when things didn't go how she wanted, denying His Existence, swearing, believing in reincarnation, following horoscopes, fortune telling and card readings that allowed Satan to make her forehead with his sign.
Jesus showed her how many hours a day she devoted to her body by doing gymnastics and going through expensive beauty treatments, and not even 10 minutes to the health of her soul through prayer or praising and thanking God [or holy reading].
She saw how her laziness and distraction during the Holy Mass and her bad and incomplete confessions didn't allow the priests to free her spirit from the chains of her sins, putting her straight into the hands of the Devil. Jesus warned her [during life] for her complaining about the priests, reminding her that the [Sacraments of Confession and Communion administered by the priesthood of] the Catholic Church alone can free a soul from sin and its consequences.
Confession allows Him to clean people's souls from their sins and break the tie that binds them to Satan, and this through the absolution given by the same priests she criticized so much, instead of praying for them. No matter their faults* they are always His devoted and the only ones to whom is given the power to absolve sins, because God said: what they untie on earth will be untied in the other life.
(*obviously if they commit a sin that is automatic excommunication, such as molestation or something extreme... then they're automatically excommunicated through their sins. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about human failures.)
Communion, the Holy Eucharist that allows people to repair their sins and the evil done to others and that evil's consequences.
And what wife and mother had she been? She left for work at 5AM and returned at 11PM and was always in a bad mood, grumbling and screaming at her husband and children, robbing them of their peace, not teaching them to know and love God and one another.
Gloria Polo had to also face the sin she had committed when she was a [teen?]: she had an abortion, and had committed many other sins she was not aware of by [fornicating] and using contraception, and also the ones she was responsible for when she encouraged young teenage friends to have physical relationships before marriage. She saw how fundamental it is for boys and girls to keep their virginity in tact until holy matrimony and to remain faithful, and how severe would the judgement will be if they do not.
She saw how the Heavens tremble and Jesus suffers on the Cross each time an abortion is done, but not only that: the sigils (seals) of Hell break and thousands of devils, like disgusting larva, are freed to haunt human beings on earth, and increase crime and all sorts of aberrations and addictions, tragedies and the spreading of terrible and contagious illnesses.
Jesus reminded her of an episode in her teens when some friends had offered her drugs. She just couldn't and refused, adding the excuse that she was frightened of her mother, but the Lord told her that it wasn't through fear of her mom, but it was the grace of God that stopped her, due to her mother's daily prayer of the Rosary.
The Lord severely criticized her low cut dresses and very short skirts, emphasizing how it tempted men, inducing them into sin. He also showed her how easy it was to ruin people, planting into them the seed of hatred, like when she was young and with her friends and she used to bully a school girl with nasty remarks and criticisms.
Gloria had to admit that when she had done charity, it was only to satisfy her vanity, to be admired by other people. She adored people complimenting her, saying how good and kind she was to help those who were in need, but actually used to send them to do this or that for her her.
It was showed to her all the times she neglected to help people who were really desperate that God had sent to her to help, as well as showing her all the bad consequences of her failures to sincerely help others, all the pain and destruction that caused in their lives.
Jesus also showed her how, when she was dying, He came to rescue her soul, holding her in His Arms and instead of saying, "Lord, forgive me, have mercy on my soul," she was worried about her diamond rings! If she had just said those words with sincere repentance, He would have taken her in spirit to the First Church, where during Holy Mass she would have taken Communion and be saved, because only the one who received the Holy Blood and Body of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist can go to Heaven. Until the very last moment, God searches for His [lost] children! When people are agonizing, the Lord stands by them and reveals Himself: if they ask forgiveness and accept Him, they go to Purgatory, but they save themselves [from Hell].
Now, the final sentence. Was she going to Hell?
Gloria Polo was crying asking for Mercy. Jesus took her hand and pulled her out [of Hell]. He was going to give her another chance, not for the prayers of her family, but for those of the many people that, not knowing her, were so touched by her tragedy that was reported in the local newspapers and TV news.
All their prayers were like little white lights, full of love, in front of the Lord, but there was on bigger and brighter than the others. The prayer of a very poor farmer, a holy man, that always blessed and thanked the Lord even though of all of his misfortunes! Gloria saw how, after Holy Mass, he went to buy with the little money that he had, a piece of soap. The soap was wrapped in a newspaper page were there was Gloria's photo of her terribly burned body. This Saint poor farmer was so touched that, crying, he prayed with all of his heart for God to save her, promising that he would have walked to honor Jesus for his sister*, so badly injured, to the famous Sanctuary on the other side of the country. All this for a person he didn't even know.
That is true love of neighbor, of other people, Jesus emphasized.
(* he was not physically related to Gloria, but prayed for her as her sister as part of the universal human family under God the Father, with Mary the mother of every soul. It was because of his saintliness that he called her "sister," but he hadn't ever met her and didn't know her at all.)
Because of all these prayers, Gloria came back to life.
Today she lives in Colombia, where she still continues to work as a dentist, but now she is a real and devout Christian and travels world wide, as she promised Jesus, to give testimony of what she went through so that people can change their ways and return to God before it's too late.
BR commentary:
It's important to daily pray the Rosary "for the purpose of knowing the truth and receiving contrition and pardon for sins." The Rosary is like a ladder leading to Heaven. There are people who pray the Rosary insincerely, to hide their sins and idolatry rather than to expose and overcome them, or who pray arrogantly because they think it makes them seem better than others, or to show off. That is why it is important to pray "for the purpose of knowing the truth and receiving contrition and pardon for sins," as Saint Louis de Montfort says.
(Don't pray while doing other things, unless it's just walking or something that requires no mental attention like sitting in a bath tub. Don't pray only while driving. Pray with all your attention focused on the Rosary, on what you are praying.)
Saint Louis de Montfort wrote a book called "Secret of the Rosary," which you can still read, which explains the importance and power of the Rosary and a few different ways to pray it.
This book is available on amazon for $5 (or $1 on kindle, which you can read even if you don't have a Kindle, you can read it with amazon's free kindle reader that you can get for your computer), or for free on this website of the Rosary Center, or as a free PDF at Rosary Bay.
Rosary Center online: http://www.rosary- center.org/secret.htm
Rosary Bay PDF: https://www.rosarybay. com/files/ebook/Secret_of_the_ Rosary.pdf
Also mentioned is the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, loving Jesus in the Eucharist, in order to make repairs for all of the evil one has done in this life, as well as for the grace for true love of Christ. Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) wanted everyone in the world to read the book "Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament," by the Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament, which also has a Eucharistic Rosary that will make you feel so loved and so close to God in good times or in bad times. You will have so much comfort during sorrows and sufferings when you pray this Rosary and read this book because it will open your eyes to how much God loves you, in a way that you cannot imagine.
I had a lot of spiritual resistance to reading this book initially, and then it became one of the most important books in my life. In addition to spending an hour reading each part, I read a few paragraphs (or even one paragraph) many times over in the morning when I wake up. Because there is so much information that is all so profound. And I also frequently say the Rosary. Many times, the sorrowful passion mysteries make me very sad and are difficult to say, but with the Rosary meditations in this book, because it so closely combines one's own suffering as an offering united to Jesus' suffering, I draw great strength and consolation during times of struggle from the Sorrowful Passion. I consider this to be a very vital book, and Saint Teresa wished everyone in the world could read it so they could understand Jesus' love better.
From the Mssionaries of the Blessed Sacrament website: http://webtools. kolbenet.com/shopcart.php?n=4& p=detail&i=59
There is also special emphasis on the Divine Mercy, revealed to Saint Faustina. Her incredible experiences with God and the Divine Mercy prayers and way of life that will save souls can be read in her diary, which is available in book form and also as a free PDF.
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